
Photo by James Barnett / Unsplash

This site is built with using a modified version of the Solo theme. I have chosen the Cutive Mono font, designed by Vernon Adams, for logo treatment and navigation, Overpass for titles and header text, and Source Serif Pro for body text.

This website represents the presentation level of an integrated writing environment that begins with note-making and drafting in Obsidian. More writing, especially revision, takes place in Ulysses. These two apps share markdown files in a common folder, making the transition between them practically seamless. Ulysses also has a publishing integration with, which enables me to upload content with the push of a button.

My work on this site has been inspired and advanced by Jamie Todd Rubin – Essayist, The Marginalian (Maria Popova), The Technium (Kevin Kelly), Miguel Rebelo, and others too numerous to mention.

Sit scriptor pergere legere, scribere, cogitare... et bibe vinum bonum